Aerobic exercise & Strength Training
- Basic and General Aerobic Exercise Principles
- - the library of aerobics patterns and answers to your aerobics questions.
- Stretches for musicians
- The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
- This Web Site provides a systematic guide to all Alexander Technique information and resources - both on and off the Internet.
- Insider's Guide to the Alexander Technique
- Alexander Techworks
- Links to a description of the Technique, applications of it, and literature about it. Founded by well-known teacher Jean-Louis Rodigue.
- American Society for the Alexander Technique
- Joe Armstrong MA, MSTAT
- Teacher of the Alexander Technique, Boston, MA. The site includes many informative articles and Alexander Technique exercises.
- Pedro de Alcantara
- author of "Indirect Procedures: A Musician's Guide to the Alexander Technique"
- Musicians and the Alexander Technique
- Alexander Technique Internet resources
- Fit not frail: exercise as a tonic for aging
- Jane E. Brody, New York Times
- Preserving a fundamental sense: balance
- Jane E. Brody, New York Times
- "the information needed by musicians to prevent pain and injury and to promote excellence in practicing and performing." (from the website)
- Body Mapping
- notes taken by Susan Maclagan at the 2005 NFA Convention
- CTS Homepage
- The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Homepage
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- From the CDC
- Homemade flute key extensions
- From Jennifer Cluff. PDF file - requires Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Fibronyalgia & chronic fatigue
- Living With Fibromyalgia
- Sixteen years with fibromyalgia can teach you a lot; just ask Julia Baurichter.
- National Fibromyalgia Association (USA)
- USENET newsgroup
- David Leisner
- Pdf file. Guitarist who taught himself to play with FD using large muscles. The link to Guitar Magazine requires that you buy the issue to read the article, but the other links provide insight directly from the web.
- The Dystonia Medical Research Foundation
- information for patients, physicians and researchers
- How To Resolve Dystonias: A Movement Perspective
- by Barbara Conable
- Musicians as movers
- by Amy Likar, DMA, AmSAT
- Musician’s Focal Dystonia - a musician's resource
- NINDS Dystonias Information Page
- from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
- Earplug Superstore>
- Etymotic hearing protection and adhancement - Ear plugs starting around $14 a pair. Protection of your hearing? Priceless.
- Piccolo Playing and Noise Induced Hearing Loss
- Preventing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
- From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- MusicSafe SonicSet
- From Germany - a bit pricey
- Hearing protection
- Musicians and Injuries
- Page on repetitive stress injuries
Performing Arts Medicine links
- (USA) - there are lots of links on this site which may be of interest to you
- (Great Britain)
- (Australia)
- (New Zealand)
Pilates The Pilates Method is an exercise system focused on improving flexibility and strength for the total body without building bulk.
- The Pilates studio
- The Pilates Center
- Boulder, Colorado
Sjögren's syndrome
- Sjögren's Syndrome Foundation
- Sjögren's Syndrome Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment
- How to Quit
- From the Centers for Disease Control
- Vaping Daily
- Musicians and Injuries
- Performing Arts Phyusicalo Therapy Clinic
- Performing Arts Physical Therapy, PC is a clinic in the Boston area with a dual focus of specialization in the unique needs of performing artists and women's health issues.
- 9 Stretches for Musiciansn
- Stretches for Wrists and Hands
- What is TMJ?
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome
- The TMJ
Association, Ltd.
University of Washington Department of Radiology - Anatomy Modules - TMJ Tutorial